Learn Maya's powerful modeling tools and master professional techniques for hard surface modeling

Master Hard Surface Modeling in Maya 2020

Learn Maya’s powerful modeling tools and master professional techniques for hard surface modeling
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64 Avis
9 596  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course is an epic 36 hours long!

You will learn how to master hard surface modeling in Maya.

You will begin by understanding the basic concepts of modeling in Maya.

You will learn Maya’s powerful modeling tools.

You will learn where the tools are located, how to use the tools, why to use the tools and when to use the tools.

You will learn the tool options, the shortcuts, and the best and most efficient way to use the tools.

Tools you will learn include:

Bevel Tool

Insert Edge Loop Tool

Multi-Cut Tool

Mirror Tool

Bridge Tool

Extrude Tool

Boolean Tool

Slide Edge Tool

Edit Edge Flow Tool


And many, many more tools.

You will learn professional tips and tricks that will make you a better modeler.

You will learn the difference between bad and good geometry, how to fix bad geometry, what mistakes to avoid and how to fix common problems.

This course is project-based so you will dive into the modeling process by creating R2-D2, the famous robot from Star Wars.

First, you will learn how to block out R2-D2 from using image planes.

You will learn how to create simple primitive polygons to block out the shape and form.

You will learn how to detail the shapes and how to create supporting edges and where to place resolution in order to create the model you want to make.

You will learn that you are in control of the modeling process and that there is nothing to fear from the modeling process.

My techniques are designed for you to learn at your own pace as I go through every step from start to finish.

You will learn how to create R2-D2’s dome head, all the panels and buttons.

You will learn how to create all the panels and buttons on the body, and finally all the details on the legs.

You will learn some simple rigging techniques that will allow you to control some of R2-D2s tools, like the periscope that comes out of his head, and also a panel that slides open to reveal Luke Skywalker’s Lightsaber.

You will learn how to animate the periscope so it will look like R2-D2 is looking around.

You will learn how to animate the sliding panel so the Lightsaber can shoot out, just like in Return of the Jedi when R2-D2 threw the Lightsaber at Luke.

Finally, you will learn how to present R2-D2 as if you were showing the model to an employer, like a movie studio or a game company.

You will learn how to use lighting techniques and render R2-D2 to create a brilliant finished piece to show to professionals and/or to put on social media.

This course is in-depth with tons of tips, tricks and techniques that will give you the confidence you need to begin creating your own 3D models in Maya.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Students who want to become industry professionals in the film, game, and entertainment business.
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Learn Maya's powerful modeling tools and master professional techniques for hard surface modeling

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