Learn Complete Engineering Design Process - From Technical Paper Drawing to Computer Aided Design

Mechanical Engineering Design – Overview

Learn Complete Engineering Design Process – From Technical Paper Drawing to Computer Aided Design
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2 011  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Do you want to learn the most significant concepts of Engineering Drawing/Design?

From the comfort of your home, at your own pace, without attending classes, or push your way through endless textbooks/online guides… Then boom! you are at the right place 🙂

Even if you have NO knowledge about Drawing… this course will make you learn to understand all the aspects of Engineering Design.

The course is divided into two parts.

Additionally, from this course, you’ll learn and get acquainted with ANSYS software for Numerical Simulation, ORIGIN software for data analysis, Tecplot 360 for results, and visualization.

You will find videos in the course specially created for making you understand these!

By the end of this course, you will be confident and proficient with the concepts of Engineering Design.

The complete package will give you an opportunity to understand the methodology followed by the research organizations in developing novel designs.


Sign up today, and here’s what you’ll get:

· All the knowledge you need to start building any DESIGN you can dream of

· 500 dollars’ worth of design assets

· Assistance for your research

You do not need to have any prerequisites for completing this course, we will teach you everything from the scratch

Rookie to Pro in Engineering Design

By the end of this course you will be familiar with these concepts:

· Engineering Drawing and its types

– Orthographic Projections

– First Angle and Third Angle of Projections

– Symbol of Projection

– View Selection

– Basic Dimensions in Engineering Drawing

– Tangencies and Intersections

– Types of Lines used in Engineering Drawing

– Basic Information in Engineering Drawing

– Drawing Layout

– Types of Drawing

– Introduction to CAD (Computer Aided Designing)

– Engineering Design Process

– Features of CAD

– Types of Modelling

– Sample CAD modelling Exercises

Don’t waste your time!

Don’t waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors with accents you can’t understand. Or teachers who have no real-world in-person teaching experience. Your learning and your time’s worth more than that.

As you sit there contemplating the sea of different courses, you’ll realize that there’s no reason to deliberate. The best course is right in front of your eyes.

I am looking forward to Teaching you all About the concepts of Engineering Design from the Technical Drawing to the Computational Aided Designing

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Students who wants to gain the insights of Engineering Drawing/Graphics
Graduates willing to start a career in design engineering and need a detailed introduction of the concepts of Engineering Drawing
Professional engineers who wish to revise the significant aspects of Engineering Design
Aerospace Engineers, Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers willing to enhance their knowledge in Engineering Drawing
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Learn Complete Engineering Design Process - From Technical Paper Drawing to Computer Aided Design

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