In this course you will learn the complete workflow for creating stylized materials and textures for your models using the Blender tools.
What we will see in the course:
-How Blender’s texture paint mode works
-How Blender’s node editor works
Project 1: Mushroom Diorama
-Basic modeling and UV unwrapping
-Blocking y color gradients
-Hand-painted texturing to refine and detail
-How to export the final texture maps
-Lighting and rendering with Marmoset Toolbag
Project 2: Mystery Diorama
-Baking the base maps with Marmoset Toolbag
-Stylized procedural texturing with Blender’s shader editor
-Custom texture projection with the stencil tool
-Creation of the emissive and transparency channel
-How to export the final texture maps
-Lighting and rendering with Marmoset Toolbag
Project 3: Chest of the golden sun
-Baking the base maps with Marmoset Toolbag
-Stylized procedural texturing with Blender’s shader editor
-Creation of the metalness and roughness channel
-How to export the final texture maps
-Lighting and rendering with Marmoset Toolbag
Project 4: Character (Kiuby girl)
-Baking the base maps with Marmoset Toolbag
-Procedural color blocking for all the materials
-Procedural texturing of organic materials (hair, skin, fur)
-Procedural texturing with patterns for the fabric
-Procedural texturing of armor, wood y metallic objects
-Hand-painted texturing for the details of the face and other parts of the skin
-Final maps exporting
-Lighting and rendering with Marmoset Toolbag
Final talking and recommendations
We will talk a little about how to study references and face texturing challenges on your own
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who wants to learn how to texture models with stylized aesthetics.
Students and professionals who want to learn how to create materials with Blender.
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