Book covers for self-publishing: PowerPoint book covers: Free book covers

Book Covers: Free PowerPoint Book Covers for Self-publishing

Book covers for self-publishing: PowerPoint book covers: Free book covers
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Are you a self-publishing author? Do you want to be?  Got a book cover?

Whether you’re a self-published author or maybe you want to be, there’s one issue you’ll eventually have to face:

Your Book Cover

Are you currently paying too much for your book covers? Or maybe you just don’t want to be.

Learn to create your own book covers, your own way, and for free using Microsoft PowerPoint 2013/2016.

It’s fun. It’s easy. And it’s free.

In this course, you’ll learn to use the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint 2013/2016 to create stunning, professional looking book covers in no time at all and with little or no expense. You’ll learn:

How to set the proper orientation and dimensions for your book cover

How to apply a background image to your book cover

Inserting and manipulating text

Using colored boxes to make your text stand out

Inserting pictures to make your cover shine

Can it really be that simple?  Yes, it really is that simple.

So, what are you waiting for? Udemy offers a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied. So start learning to make your own book covers today — the fast and easy way.

Note that this course now includes the Udemy course Create a Book Cover with Me: Microsoft PowerPoint & Pixabay.

I’ll see you in the classroom,


À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Self-published author looking to create book covers easily
Self-published authors who need inexpensive book covers
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Book covers for self-publishing: PowerPoint book covers: Free book covers

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