In just a few hours, you'll be using Photoshop to take your 3d renderings to the next level.  3ds Max, V-Ray, Photoshop.

Photoshop for Arch Viz: Project Based Post-Processing Course

In just a few hours, you’ll be using Photoshop to take your 3d renderings to the next level. 3ds Max, V-Ray, Photoshop.
Notes de 4,6 sur 5
344 Avis
3 880  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



  *New Project Added 10/12/2018

  *Recent feedback: 

  « If anybody is still wondering about getting this course or not than just stop and get it it’s worth it and you won’t get more informative lessons on post processing your renders that easy. Great work on the course, i enjoyed it! » 


The Course 

    To become a true master of architectural visualization, or 3d in general, you have to understand good post-processing techniques.  All the fancy renderings you see out there on the internet are processed in some way, usually Photoshop.  Photoshop can be just as complicated to master as the 3d software, but it is equally as important for a striking image. 

    Follow me in this course, and you will get all my techniques for processing a 3d image. The course structure follows 4 major sections, all of them building upon each other.  They are: 

  Basic processing of an image 

setting up your renderings to give you the right channels / render elements

creating perfect selection sets

using render channels to enhance your scene

basic Photoshop adjustments

  Advanced Compositing 

use raw 32 bit render channels to composite a rendering from different elements

learn to have complete control over lighting in post

change your day rendering to night

turn off the sun in post

continue with a non-destructive workflow

  Composite In Cutouts 

learn to make people and other objects fit seamlessly into your scene

  Final Touches 

this is where I teach you everything I know to enhance your scene

JUST ADDED: New Post-Processing Project

download render elements of a new project and finish it off with pro post-processing tips

    If you are looking to take your rendering skills to the next level, this course is for you!  Join up now, and in no time you will be a Photoshop expert, taking your architectural rendering from average to spectacular. 

    See you in class! 

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
You should take this course if you want to master Photoshop, and especially if you are training to become and architectural visualization specialist.
You can also use this course if you just want to know how to enhance imagery in Photoshop.
You shouldn’t take this course if you are brand new to Photoshop or 3d rendering workflows. I have other courses to get you familiar with those things if you need them.
This course is perfect for those who know how to render, but are looking to take their renderings to the next level.
Afficher plus

In just a few hours, you'll be using Photoshop to take your 3d renderings to the next level.  3ds Max, V-Ray, Photoshop.

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