Take WordPress security into your own hands with this comprehensive course and lock down your site from hackers.

The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to WordPress Security

Take WordPress security into your own hands with this comprehensive course and lock down your site from hackers.
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« The instructor gives a comprehensive review of WP tools and techniques to secure your WP website better. No website is invulnerable to attack but this course will put you way ahead of the game in a short time. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and I plan to use the downloadable code to secure my websites. Excellent course worth the cost many times over! » – Brian Crane


Every single day tens of thousands of WordPress websites are attacked. Hackers inject spam on your website, redirect your site visitors to other sites, delete your website files or take over complete control of your website.

It’s quite scary what a hacker can do once they have access to your website.

If you’re a WordPress website owner who thinks their website is too small or too insignificant for a hacker to target, think again. You see, most of the WordPress website attacks these days are completely automated which means no website is safe.

Hackers look for vulnerable websites that make it easy for them to gain access. It’s your responsibility as a website owner to take security into your own hands and make a hackers job as difficult as possible so they go elsewhere.

By the end of this course you’ll know and be able to implement the exact steps needed to protect your WordPress website from a variety of common attacks.


« Have whipped through the course, I understand how vulnerable my site is and that I need to take steps to protect it. The explanations of which tools I would need and how I would apply them are clear and there is a useful checklist at the end. » – Sharon Ghouila


We’ll cover steps you can take to better protect your website including:

Two-step verification
Using security keys
Changing WordPress defaults
Hiding, password protecting & denying access to core WordPress files and directories
How to keep hackers from gaining access to your site through comments
Selecting the right host
Selecting the right themes and plugins
and many other security measures

Not sure what these are? Not only will you learn about these security measures here, I’ll show you exactly how to implement each one.

On top of that, we’ll discuss:

How to know if you website has been infected
How to know if Google has blacklisted your website
And the exact steps to take if your website is hacked

On top of that, I welcome any questions you have as you go through the process of securing your WordPress website.

Having your website hacked means you will lose time, money and possibly even your organic rankings. Don’t leave another day to chance and secure your WordPress website today.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Everyone with a WordPress website
Anyone who does not want to lose all the time, hard work and money invested in setting up their WordPress website
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Take WordPress security into your own hands with this comprehensive course and lock down your site from hackers.

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