VLSI - This is where design meets fabrication

VSD – Custom Layout

VLSI – This is where design meets fabrication
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2 882  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Physical designers and CMOS fabrication team communicates with each other, and this course says it ‘How?’

While physical designers use all the outputs from experiments performed by fabrication department, this course will demonstrate the best of both worlds and connect them through exchange of certain files in certain format

This way, custom layout designers get to know an insight how does fabrication works, fabrication engineers get to know, how layout engineers uses their information. So this course is a place where both meet, talk and connect. 

Also, the standard files needed to draw and simulate layout, are being taken, deduced and created from scratch and on the fly. This is, by far, the best way to understand layout, and I can promise you an exciting journey throughout this course

Course is structured to explain the CMOS packaging and fabrication steps in beginning, followed by software and files used to draw and simulate layout, and look into DRC rules.

Next, we will take a simple CMOS inverter and apply all concepts learned above. Finally, we will learn the ‘Art of layout’ using Euler’s path. This is where you will solve complex functions and draw a layout out of it. 

Welcome you all to my course and Happy Learning!!

See you in class!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone curious to know the inception of layout
Anyone curious to know the software behind layout drawing
Anyone who wants to know how chip designers talk with chip fabrication department
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VLSI - This is where design meets fabrication

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