Jumpstart your Cinema 4D skills by learning how to make abstract 3D shapes

Learn Cinema 4D – Create Abstract 3D Design Elements

Jumpstart your Cinema 4D skills by learning how to make abstract 3D shapes
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



In this course, you’ll learn how to create abstract 3D design elements. And by doing that you’ll also learn the fundamentals of working with Cinema 4D, and with 3D in general.

We learn best by doing, so this is a hands-on, project-based course.

We’re going to work through 4 fun projects from start to finish. We will create everything within Cinema 4D and won’t use and pre-made elements.

We will use a procedural workflow that doesn’t require modeling. That means that all settings remain editable and we can change the entire look by just adjusting a few sliders. It makes the whole process of creating and experimenting fun, flexible and powerful.

The design elements we’ll create are well-suited for either a 3D or a 2D workflow.

We’ll cover the fundamental concepts in the first project. And then we’ll build upon what we learned in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th projects.

We’ll reiterate the most important aspects for a deeper understanding and add new skills and techniques as we progress.

Here’s a glimpse of what we’ll cover

• Working with parametric objects

• Exploring how geometry and complexity affect the appearance of objects

• Working with deformers

• Looking at how displacement works and how to optimize for best result

• Working with the noise shader

• Making complex shaders by using the layer shader

• Lighting a scene with 3-point lighting

• Working with cameras

• Creating materials

• Rendering with the Physical and the Standard Renderer

• Making a seamless loop animation

• Color grading and post-effects in Adobe After Effects

Udemy offers a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. So if you for any reason at all find that the course wasn’t for you, you can get a full refund.

However, I think, and hope, you’ll find this to be an efficient and fun training to get started with Cinema 4D.

Go ahead and enroll, and I’ll see you in the course.


À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for Cinema 4D beginners
It’s perfect for After Effects users who want to add 3D skills to their toolset
It’s also a good fit for graphic designers who want to include 3D elements in their work
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Jumpstart your Cinema 4D skills by learning how to make abstract 3D shapes

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