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Complete Content Marketing Guide

Learn about Content Marketing and apply our strategies to expand your audience
2 185  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionContent Marketing consists of strategies adopted in order to attract, grow and preserve an audience via creating content such as podcasts, articles, videos, e-books, etc. However, it may even be more important to develop a marketing strategy for your content to reach a wider audience.By creating content for the services you provide and products you sell, you will be able to reach a much wide audience. This is because when users inquiring about a service or a product it is more likely that they will see your content as well as product. The content may vary according to what you provide on your website. It can be as said video, text, articles, images etc. However, it is important that your content matches your target audience.As Dopinger, we hope to present you with a Content Marketing Guide so that you will be more equipped to grow your business or attract more people to your blog. By completing this course you will learn:Getting Traffic to Your BlogTarget AudienceEmail listSocial MediaLong-tail keywordsBlog Post StrategyFinding TopicsDoing researchImage SEOCommon Bloging MistakesNeglecting SEOLow blog distributionIgnoring Your AudienceNot self-hosting website blogCopywriting TipsHeadlines and their importanceA/B Testing for Web PagesQuestion words in the headlinesAnd many other topics on Content Marketing.By the time you have finished our Complete Content Marketing , you will learn all the above and more. It will also be very easy to apply these methods because we have simplified it for you!You can now set out your goals, build a decent marketing strategy, identify your content, take the necessary measurements such as optimization for search engine crawlers, and also use the power of social media to market your content!À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?For people wanting to learn about Content MarketingAfficher plusAfficher moins

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