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WordPress For Beginners – Create Your Own Website

Digital Marketing Skill For Beginners
3 335  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionIf you are a beginner ?If you want to create your own web site for free ?If you want to learn basic skill for digital marketing ?If you love to have your own customized  website without Coding ?**********if  « YES » then this course is for you ******************In this course you will learn  how to register a free domain and free hosting for your domain ( you can use this free method to gain knowledge and also to get familiarize with that interface) To take up this course you need NO Prerequisite knowledge required ( No existing website & hosting needed), you can learn step by step procedure for the same.What you will learn? ( step by step)     –> Domain and Hosting    –> WordPress installation            –> Themes setup             –> plugins    –> Google Search console    –> Google Analytic    –> SEO friendly post*************** This course is only made for Beginners *********************** those who are interested in digital marketing & website creation can take up this course.$$$$$$$$$$$$$  Learning is Endless     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$     «  » »Learn something on everything and learn everything on something » » »#ARE YOU READY TO LEARN ? YES  # MY COURSE IS READY TO TEACH YOU………..ENROLL TODAY & START YOUR LEARNING NOW!!!When you complete this course i wish you to have your own website as you wish!!!!!I Hope you will enjoy this course…….if you decide to stop learning then think why you started it will motivate you to continue your learning journey!!!!À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Those who wish to create their own website and start digital marketing.Afficher plusAfficher moins

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