Learn PR from a Marketing Master and discover EXACTLY how to do Press Marketing on your own. Step by step.

Learn to Make Sales Videos on a Shoestring in under 1 Hour

Learn to make your own Explainer Videos with free or very low cost stuff. Boost your bottom line and brand awareness.
6 345  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionThis course is designed for business people and start-ups who need to promote their business on a very tight budget.

You don’t need tech skills or a huge budget to produce quality sales and explainer videos to promote your goods and services.

You can use Microsoft’s PowerPoint (which you will either have or can get for £7 per month for the entire Office suite) and free audio software called Audacity.  In addition even this course is Free

The course consists of 9 modules. You will learn;

Why you should use PowerPoint to make your sales videos.

How to navigate the PowerPoint layout and some pro hacks to increase your productivity.

What an Explainer Video is.

How to create your own Explainer video using PowerPoint text and image animations.

How to download, install and get started with Audacity.

How to synchronise your audio and visuals.

Where you can take your new found skills when you complete the course.

You will complete the entire course in less than 1 hour and will be ready to make your own sales videos.

There is a complete PowerPoint template (including animations) so you all you need to do is put in your text and graphics to have your own video up and making money in no time.

So why wait?

Sign up now and I look forward to seeing you on the inside.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?This course is designed for business owners who need to produce low cost, high quality videos to boost sales.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Learn PR from a Marketing Master and discover EXACTLY how to do Press Marketing on your own. Step by step.

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