Learn Essentials of Copywriting, Content Marketing, Content Writing, Psychology of Persuasion. HQ Animated Explainers.

Basics of Email Marketing

This is an introductory course on Email Marketing. It helps learners understand the basics of Email Marketing.
15 901  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionE-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses e-mail as the delivery medium for communicating a marketing message to a group of people. This course will help learners understand some key topics of Email Marketing such as the types of emails, the metrics to be tracked, and the various components and basic rules for creating a good email.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Anyone interested in learning about Email Marketing can take up this course for free.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Learn Essentials of Copywriting, Content Marketing, Content Writing, Psychology of Persuasion. HQ Animated Explainers.

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