Find out practical ways to make sure your site ranks highly for the keywords your potential customers are looking for!

Search Engine Optimization: Get To The Top!

Find out practical ways to make sure your site ranks highly for the keywords your potential customers are looking for!
Notes de 4,1 sur 5
10 Avis
153  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



87% of all web user will access information using a search engine so… IF YOU DON’T GET FOUND YOU DON’T HAVE A BUSINESS: MAKE SURE YOU DO

A clear and concise way to learn SEO

Jargon Buster – Real Learning no false « short-cuts. »

Plenty of Industry examples and Best practice Search Engine Optimization course will be covered, together with our Pay Per Click, the Search Engine Marketing area. You will understand the business case attached to SEO and why is an essential long term plan for your business. Will be focussing on On-site and Off-site optimization, link building and latest Social Network influence on ranking. A concept like building your site Credibility and Relevance will be put in context with Writing for the web and Usability. Finally, you will be made aware of the implication of the rising of Mobile browsing.

    A Certificate of Completion is Presented to Students who Undertake the Course. 

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Internet Marketers
Web Agencies
Marketing & Business Students
Start-Up and Web Site Owners
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Find out practical ways to make sure your site ranks highly for the keywords your potential customers are looking for!

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