LinkedIn Campaign manager

LinkedIn Ads/How to Create a LinkedIn Advertising Campaign

LinkedIn Campaign manager
Notes de 4,5 sur 5
12 Avis
30  Sessions

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LinkedIn Campaign Manager is a powerful advertising tool designed to help businesses reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals on LinkedIn. With this tool, businesses can create and run highly targeted ads on LinkedIn, reaching professionals who are interested in their products or services.

In this Udemy course, you will learn everything you need to know about using LinkedIn Campaign Manager to create and manage successful LinkedIn ad campaigns. You’ll start with the basics of setting up a LinkedIn Campaign Manager account, and then dive into the different types of ad campaigns you can run on LinkedIn.

You’ll learn how to target your ideal audience based on job title, industry, location, and more, and how to create ad content that resonates with your target audience. You’ll also learn how to track the success of your campaigns using LinkedIn’s powerful analytics tools, and how to adjust your campaigns for maximum ROI.

Whether you’re a marketer looking to expand your skills or a business owner looking to grow your customer base, this course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed with LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

How to create a LinkedIn ad in 9 steps

To create your own LinkedIn ad, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Create a LinkedIn Page if you don’t have one already

This is required to create Sponsored Content and Sponsored Messaging Ads. If you need help setting one up, read our guide on LinkedIn for business.

Step 2: Log in to Campaign Manager or create an account.

The Campaign Manager platform, also known as LinkedIn’s ad manager, will be home to all your advertising activities, such as running campaigns and managing your budget.

Step 3: Select your ad objective

Think about what type of action you want to inspire among your audience.

Step 4: Choose your target audience

First, you must choose a location, and then you have the option of adding job title, company name, industry type and personal or professional interests.

If it’s your first campaign, LinkedIn recommends a target audience of at least 50,000 for Sponsored Content and Text Ads. For Message Ads, 15,000 is best.

You also have the option of connecting with people you already know through Matched Audiences. You can do this by retargeting people who’ve visited your website or uploading a list of email contacts.


Step 5: Select an ad format

Depending on the objective you chose, you’ll be able to pick from Sponsored Content options (single-image, carousel or video ads), Text Ads or Message Ads.

Step 6: Create your budget and schedule

Campaign Manager will provide a budget range based on other competing bids for your ideal audience.

The initial 2-4 weeks are typically considered a learning experience to figure out what works (or doesn’t). For testing, LinkedIn recommends a daily budget of at least $100 or a monthly budget of $5,000.

Step 7: Start building your ad

If you opt for Sponsored Content or Text Ads, the Campaign Manager will share previews so you can get a sense of the final look of your ad. In the case of Message Ads, you’ll be able to send yourself a test message.

Step 8: Provide payment information

Before you can debut your ad to the world, you’ll have to provide payment information. Once that’s done, you’re ready to launch!

Step 9: Measure performance

When you sign in to Campaign Manager, the first thing you’ll see is the reporting dashboard for your LinkedIn ads. From here, you can review performance metrics, access charts, and demographics, or export a CSV report. This is also where you’d go for conversion tracking.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Small /Medium/Large business owners
Brand awareness
Consideration ( Website visits , engagements , video views )
Conversion (Leads generation , job Applicant’s etc )
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LinkedIn Campaign manager

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