This is a course for people who want to get into youtube video's but don't know where to start.

YouTube Basics for beginners

This is a course for people who want to get into youtube video’s but don’t know where to start.
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14 Avis
614  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


Description This Course is for people who have a youtube account but have not done much with it. This Course will do step by step show you how to set up a Youtube account and what you really need to know.
Are you wanting to set up your youtube correctly? Do you want to know the Power of the Youtube Video Editor? Want to know how to create Videos out of Pictures the easy way? Do you know how to run a Google Hangout the easy way? Do You want your youtube video’s to be on the first page of google? Do you want to know and understand all the settings in the youtube back office? If you answered “YES” to any of the questions above then I strongly urge you to take this course.
All you need to do is learn exactly how YouTube works and set up your youtube channel.
In this course, you will learn:
understand all the back review how to set up a new Youtube Channel with art the basics to load channel art youtube planning how to use the video editor all the different effect, like blur faces in videos how to edit video and audio what are annotations how to load Pictures and youtube will create a video with music over view of google hangout bonus info secrets to create the perfect youtube channel tools you need to create a video demo promote video from iMovie how not to get the youtube “Slap’, copy right issues If you want a great way to wrap your head around youtube and start doing things that are youtube safe? The course will get a solid foundation about all the settings and how powerful the tools are to use in youtube. I look forward to see you in the course. À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?People who have a youtube account but have done nothing with it.People who don’t have a youtube account but want to start.Afficher plusAfficher moins

This is a course for people who want to get into youtube video's but don't know where to start.

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