Learn and Deploy Your 'No Budget' Reddit Marketing Tactics

Indie Video Game Marketing on Reddit

Learn and Deploy Your ‘No Budget’ Reddit Marketing Tactics
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DescriptionYou’re a game developer, and let’s face it…you probably hate marketing. You may be an introvert or just shy. You might even think that it feels icky to ask someone to follow you, or like and share your content. I used to feel the same way. That is until I learned through experience the things we’re going to cover in this course. You can learn them ALSO by enrolling in this course. I have an MBA and a Masters in Software Engineering. I’ve been making games for nearly a decade and I was even in a Markiplier video that has amassed over 6.5 million views.The odds of you going viral with your marketing content is very slim. In reality, It takes strategy and consistency to achieve success with your marketing efforts. This course is not for big budget game developers. It’s for indie and solo developers who have a very limited to zero budget marketing capacity. Reddit is one of the platforms that possesses immense free marketing opportunities. This video game marketing course using Reddit  is primarily focused on audience growth and less on closing the actual sale. This is because If you don’t grow your audience first, you’ll have very few people to actually sell your game to.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Indie Game DevelopersAfficher plusAfficher moins

Learn and Deploy Your 'No Budget' Reddit Marketing Tactics

19,99 €
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