Get a peek at strategies and go step-by-step behind the scenes of a top 90% podcast

A Practical Guide to Creating a Podcast

Get a peek at strategies and go step-by-step behind the scenes of a top 90% podcast
Notes de 4,3 sur 5
22 Avis
120  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



You like to learn by example. No vague advice needed. Keep it practical. You want someone to break down the entire process from start to finish so you can glean as much information as possible for your own podcast.

If that sounds familiar, this course is for you.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Podcasting strategies to help you answer the right questions before you start

Hardware and software recommendations for your podcasting setup

Recording of a real-world podcast episode

Editing of a real-world podcast episode

Graphics, blog post, QA and scheduling an episode

Why this course?

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced podcaster, there’s a lot of advice out there for podcasters. The challenge is a lot of the advice out there makes grand promises of creating chart-topping podcasts or implying you can quit your day job once you start your podcast.

This course is different.

We won’t get in the weeds comparing podcast hosts. Everyone’s budget is different. We won’t add fluff to the course by talking about submitting your podcast to iTunes or Spotify. They’ve got official documentation to walk you through that process.

This course is fluff free.

Podcasting is a lot of hard work. For the past five years, I’ve put in thousands of hours into multiple podcasts.

As of recording this course, my current podcast ranks higher than 90% of shows (according to Libsyn’s download stats). But I won’t be covering any podcast marketing techniques in this course. Why? Because the best way to grow your podcast isn’t through fancy tricks or a big marketing budget. The best way to grow your podcast is by creating great content.

In fact, I spend well over 90% of my time on the podcast focusing on the content using the techniques in this course. The only marketing I do for my podcast is the occasional post to social platforms…you don’t need me to show you how to post on Facebook and Instagram. So, let’s cut the fluff and focus on the good stuff in this course.

This course is practical.

Some courses cover recording and editing a podcast episode in less than five minutes. That’s not realistic. We’ll take the time to cover the whole process so you know what it’s really like. It’s just the right balance of being practical to give you realistic expectations about what it takes to create a podcast while saving you time in the process.

Ready to get started?

When you’re ready for a practical, no-bull approach to creating a podcast…I’ll see you in the course!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
First-time podcasters trying to figure out how to get started
If you’re an experienced podcaster who wants to pick up new tips and tricks
Anyone who wants to see practical, real-world examples of how a podcast is made
Business owners and marketers who want to add podcasting to your skillset
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Get a peek at strategies and go step-by-step behind the scenes of a top 90% podcast

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