How To Make Great Money, Get More Clients & Share Your Message (By Harnessing The Power Of Multi-Channel Media)

Get on TV & Radio For Authors: The Complete Program

How To Make Great Money, Get More Clients & Share Your Message (By Harnessing The Power Of Multi-Channel Media)
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678  Sessions

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DescriptionA Proven Step-By-Step System To Get Booked As
‘THE Expert’ In Your Field And Spread Your Message Further &
Faster Than Any Other Marketing Method . . . Guaranteed!
Get Ready to Become A Total Media Expert With These 10 Invaluable Digital Training Modules
“If you are really ready to seriously master the fine art of successfully marketing yourself, AVM fully gets the job done. I can’t believe so much positive progress can be made so fast, but this is what happened. There was absolutely no fluff – all meat. For the first time I was able to get in front of a camera and do self-promotion in a way that felt genuine and effective. I also finally have begun to really understand what the new marketing is all about.” – John SelbyÀ qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?This course is for anyone who has an important message to share with the world, but feels no one is listening. This course is for someone who has written a book or started a website, but has no idea what’s next – or how to take it from a side-project to a highly profitable, sustainable business.This course is not for someone who has not yet created a book, website or product they want to share with the world.Afficher plusAfficher moins

How To Make Great Money, Get More Clients & Share Your Message (By Harnessing The Power Of Multi-Channel Media)

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