FREE 88-Page Course Book Included, Marketing Psychology Hacks for Branding, Advertising & Sales from a Marketing Expert

Marketing Psychology: Learn To Sell With Psychology

FREE 88-Page Course Book Included, Marketing Psychology Hacks for Branding, Advertising & Sales from a Marketing Expert
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1 884  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours




Have you ever wondered what sets a successful and an unsuccessful business apart? If it’s not their products, then in most cases it is their marketing. In the last 4 years, I built multiple 6- and 7-figure businesses and helped clients all over the world to scale their business with marketing psychology. 

This course is a marketing blueprint that brings you from the beginner level up to the expert level in branding, sales and advertising. The course comes with a FREE 88 page course book as well as 24/7 support via Udemy, Social media and e-mail. 

Why should you purchase this course? 

#1: The competition is strong. Since we live in a quite globalized world, everyone has access to advertising measures such as Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin Ads. Thus, you have to be more effective with your ad campaigns than your competition in order to succeed. I will show you in this course step by step how to brand, sell and advertise your products so that they will sell more quickly than of your competitors. 

#2: This course was taught as a university program and normally costs 550 USD. You will in this course be taught step by step by a marketing expert how to use psychological hacks in order to sell products. The hacks taught in this course are based on years of scientific research and used by top fortune companies from around the world. 

What are you going to learn in this course? You will…

Learn to use psychological marketing methods in order to increase your advertising ROI (return on investment)

Understand how to increase the efficiency of Facebook ads, Instagram ads and Linkedin ads

Learn to use priming, reciprocity, social proof and other psychological strategies in order to get people into buying your products

Know how to use the tribe enemy principle in order to build long-lasting customer relationships

Use the foot-in-door-technique in order to sell goods more efficiently and quickly

Understand how to use the Baader Meinhof Phenomenon for your business 

Know how to apply the verbatim effect in content marketing

Know how to use the Decoy effect, size principle and golden rule in order to make people buy your product more quickly

Understand how to create a sales anchor in order to make people justify for themselves why they buy your product

Know the psychological effects that the colors white, black, grey, orange, red, yellow, blue, green, brown and pink have on the human psych

Taking this course is 100% risk-free!

ENROLL NOW and we will see each other in the next video! 

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Everyone who looks for new and innovative ways to do advertising
Marketers, business owners and others who want to increase their ROI (return on investment) in advertising
Hard-working students who are willing to watch the entire course from beginning to end
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FREE 88-Page Course Book Included, Marketing Psychology Hacks for Branding, Advertising & Sales from a Marketing Expert

19,99 €
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